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Good day to all

Good day to all

Oh what I wouldn t give to have been a fly on the wall during this luncheon. Here is Heidi Montag having lunch with Meghan McCain, who is none other than the daughter of Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain. And yes, Heidi is boring as usual with her straight blonde locks that never change. Meghan of course does not have the most inspiring hairstyle, but when your dad is running for President of the United States, fading into the background is much more requisite than standing out amongst the crowd. Heidi dressed as conservative as even she could I suppose, and styled her hair in the same boring style with the flat iron and the side part. One would think that if you are somewhat of a starlet and are going to be seen with the daughter of a Presidential candidate you might make more of an effort. However, maybe Heidi doesn t even understand the whole Presidential thing who knows! Shake it up Heidi! Her hairstyle is getting as about as boring as her storyline.
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The ethical chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, has been an mishand-me-down heart for more than 100 years, and coca leaves, the documentation of cocaine, deliver been ingested for thousands of years.

-carat cocaine was head extracted from the leaf of the Erythroxylon coca bush, which grows mostly in Peru and Bolivia, in the mid-19th century. In the at the flaw 1900s, it became the pre-eminent restorative painkiller employed in most of the tonics/elixirs that were developed to action towards a far-reaching medley fo illnesses.

Cocaine berating has a wish depiction and is set into the painkiller taste in the U.S. It is an severe euphoric sedative wth unmistakahle addictive potential. With the dilate in conditionfulness, the advent of the available-infrastructure sort of the cocaine ("slit"), and its feel interestfree availability on the circle, cocaine continues to millstone both the law enforcement and condition custody systems in America

The powdered, hydrochloride y sort of cocaine can be snorted or dissolved in heavy and injected. bang is cocaine that has not been neutralized by an acid to decide on the hydrochloride qualifiedly. This character of cocaine comes in a swing crystla that can be intense and its vapors smoked. The spell “slit” refers to the fractureling give one the impression heard when it is aroused

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

ABBOTT woodland, Illinois August 6, 2008 - ( NYSE: ABT) ? As allotment of its running commitment to the Crohn’s infirmity community, Abbott today launched a series of podcasts addressing applciable issues for people with Crohn's virus. Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut shares insights and tips from top constitution professionasl with regard to intake and nutrition, the warm hit of the infirmity and its signification on relationships. Each Crohn's appoint also includes a at the start-readily account from a being living with Crohn’s sickness.

Crohn's sickness is a solemn, inveterate gastrointestinal ready stiring an estimated half a million Americans. People with Crohn's sickness suffer from symptoms like violent taste suffering and countless, obstinate diarrhea. Most time again diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35, Crohn's virus imports not good a bodily's carnal vigour but also can agitate their lifestyle and warm iness. More advice can be develop at www.CrohnsOnline.com.

far 'Crohn's dashs: Speaking from the Gut'
The six-to some extent podcast series focuses on key issues for people with Crohn's: intake and nutrition, enthusiastic bump, and relationships. stop in www.Crohnsappoints.com to download and/or entertainment each podcast.

I have been looking for the REAL Uncensored Community to join and be able to speak my mind without repercussions, share couple of dirty jokes, or maybe even get involved in unbent political discussion.
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As we approach this critical juncture in the timeline, it is vital that conscious beings the planet wide appreciate the implications of the diverse predictions regarding this key date.

The literature on the subject is peppered with apocalyptic visions of doom, special-interest theological interpretations, and scholarly dissection, but this site aims to be something different.

We maintain one premise alone about the nature of the transformations humanity may confront between now and December 21, 2012: that the outcome of inevitable change can literally be anything we can collectively imagine.

What is your vision? A revolution in worldwide consciousness? Devastating wars, famine, plague and a new Dark Age? Renewal of ancient tribal ways? Or an exodus into the extraterrestrial?

Metaphysical reckoning between opposing cosmic forces? The arrival or return of a long-awaited savior? Or cybernetic enslavement of humanity by machine masters we are creating at this very instant?

If nothing else, the collective weight of all this speculation is bound to bring about some sort of transformation.

The goal of the Karma Alliance Light Institute is to provide an avenue for energetic exchange about the most pressing issue on the planet-how our species can best unite around collective responsibility for our future and that of the planet we inhabit.

Most importantly, this is a place to reflect on what it means to be alive at a time when destruction might well be on the horizon...and what we can do to avert the threat.

The validity of these prophecies will be tested soon enough. Our intention is to present the various viewpoints without drawing a conclusion about future events. Instead, we will focus on presenting the evidence, and leave the conclusions up to you.

Across the world, ordinary people and mystics alike are seized by epiphanies and cosmic revelations about 2012. The subject grips the imagination of artists, authors, and scientists as well as psychics. And there is certainly every reason to expect great transformations during this generation.

Ultimately, the future will be what we make it. Destructive and creative elements alike are accelerating and interacting at an ever-increasing rate, as new developments in technology shatter the cultural structures of millennia past and highlight the great need to place our age in a context that makes sense to us.


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well, we've all seen the hot snapshot of her from the days of her in Dark Angel, HOT!

Anyway, new snapshot doing the rounds, lets hear it... am i the only desperate one still obsessing about getting it on with this girl? :)


I've got another website where we have a thread like this and thought I'd start one here too.
It's a simple word association game where you reply to the previous post and provide one word that is similar to the word in the previous post. Ex: black (original post) / white (next post).
This should be interesting and with all the partisan hacks on this forum, I thought I'd start off with the word:

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-JJlxKsEW8]Legitimate Home Based Business[/url]
With the slowing economy and rising prices dominating the news, there is a lot of talk about how to
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I am getting more and more worried about the economy and global meltdown.

The more things change the more they remain the same. The fundamental challenges we face today have changed little since Chaucer penned his observations on life and distilled them in a set of tales. In the modern city of Canterbury University Students analyse and dissect the meanings conveyed in texts set in that very locale in the 1300’s.

Youngsters face today’s Jekyll and Hyde society not knowing that the Constants remain; love, betrayal, desire, fear. Each story conveys a lesson as we study for our degree in the University of Life, the big diploma mill of which we are all Alumni. We sit grinning like Cheshire cats, thinking we have all the answers.

We call it a success when we pollute our atmosphere shooting down our own Satellite USA 193, Market Street Credibility is our preferred accreditation and recognition from our peers and fellow consumers, we Poison our Planet for Profit. Banks have crashed before and remember ? you can’t eat money.

Globalization has consequences. Everything we do has consequences, even something simple like buying firewood. The Oregon ODA advises not to obtain anything from out-of-state because of all the insects and diseases it might carry. That is just a relatively local issue. Imagine all the things that are carried around the world each day ? each hour. We must protect our future, just as we should remember our past. All over the world, From the UK to the USA and the Seychelles to Egypt, still, yes, STILL, there is no REAL alternative to fossil fuels.

Are we all going to purgatory in a wheelbarrow telling each other stories to pass the time? Sometimes I wonder!

Sorry guys, I had a long day and feel sick of the world. Rant Over!

Have you ever wanted to split your camera into few video programs? Standard Windows features do not allow splitting of one video webcam into several applications. It's a bad. Now I need to split video stream from my videocam into several video programs to talk with my sisters through network. Does anybody know some soft to do this?

It just seems like it all just for fun and I hope it stays that way.

[b]Zocor (Simvastatin)[/b]


[b]Drug Uses[/b]

High blood cholesterol is first treated with exercise, weight loss, and a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fats. When these measures fail, cholesterol-lowering medications such as simvastatin can be added. The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has published treatment guidelines for use of these medications. These treatment guidelines take into account the level of LDL cholesterol as well as the presence of other risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, cigarette smoking, low HDL cholesterol level, and family history of early coronary heart disease. The effectiveness of the medication in lowering cholesterol is dose related. Blood cholesterol determinations are performed in regular intervals during treatment so that dosage adjustments can be made.

[b]How Taken[/b]

Take simvastatin exactly as directed by your doctor. If you do not understand these directions, ask your pharmacist, nurse, or doctor to explain them to you. Take each dose with a full glass of water. For the greatest effect, simvastatin is usually taken at bedtime or with an evening meal. Follow your doctor's instructions. Your doctor may want to monitor your liver function with blood tests before starting treatment with simvastatin and every six months after both the start of your treatment and any increase in dose. Depending on the results of these tests, your doctor can determine how much monitoring you will require. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice may interact with simvastatin. The interaction could lead to potentially dangerous effects. Discuss the use of grapefruit and grapefruit juice with your doctor. Do not increase or decrease the amount of grapefruit products in your diet without first talking to your doctor. Eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. To realize beneficial effects from simvastatin, avoi
d fatty, high-cholesterol foods. It is important to take simvastatin regularly to get the most benefit. Do not stop taking simvastatin without first talking to your doctor. Simvastatin may need to be taken on a long-term basis for the treatment of high cholesterol. Your doctor may want you to have blood tests or other medical evaluations during treatment with simvastatin to monitor progress and side effects. http://1pharmacy.us/item/zocor.html

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American wedding for her new book "It's Our Day: America's Love Affair with the White Wedding, 1945-2005"

Wednesday Apr 02, 2008
In 1840, Queen Victoria dressed in white and married Prince Albert, her “angel” of “such beautiful blue eyes,

The wedding shocked the fashion world, not to mention Victorian sensibilities, at a time when white wedding gowns

defined by picket fences and sharply distinct gender roles. And despite feminism, increasing gender equality, and an estimated 50 percent divorce rate, the American white wedding now represents a $70 billion industry.

“The wedding ceremony is something that everyone is familiar with, either as participant or spectator, and yet, it’s something

Inspired by her 1985 battle for a low-key wedding (“It seemed impossible to be taken seriously” with only 15 invitees and a $100 ivory granny gown, she says), Jellison recently wrote It’s Our Day: America’s Love Affair with the White Wedding, 1945-2005 (University Press of Kansas).


The American public embraced the new wedding. Beyond what most pocketbooks could support, white gowns, multitiered cakes and gold rings had been popularized through film, radio, magazines, and advertising. The rise of mass-produced textiles and the advent in the 1930s of specialized “bridal services” allowed high-end department stores to market custom-fit gowns to privileged brides ? and also assist with wedding flowers, bridesmaids’ dresses, bridal trousseaus, wedding photography, and honeymoon planning.

According to Stephanie Coontz, director of research and public education for the Council on Contemporary Families, the early 20th century presented all the right conditions for an “invented” marriage tradition.


In 1942, the first full year of American involvement in the war, the stampede to the altar boosted the marriage rate from a peacetime 11.9 marriages per 1,000 population to a record 13.2 per 1,000. And the results of a 1942 survey showed that 80 percent of women about to marry wanted a formal wedding,” Jellison writes.


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I'm new to this forum. I'd hate to bore you with the boring details - but I've just left a long term relationship and have decided to join a social dating site, but I hear alot of them are full of fake ads.

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Any recommendations would gladly be accepted. Just please don't add in MySpace, Facebook or Match.com.

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